Is it possible to think your way out of life?
I just finished reading Elizabeth Barber's essay, The Case Against Children Among the antinatalists which reminds us that no one ever asked to be born and asks is it ethical to bring life into a world where pain and/or suffering are probable? As a dad who is relatively happy, there's something absolutely silly about the antinatalist perspective which is that while there is suffering and pain that exists, there's also joy and happiness and ecstatic moments. Maybe I'm straw manning their points a little bit, but I can hear the logic. Every human life depletes more natural resources, further offsets the ecosystem, and contributes to global warming which may make life in the future quite difficult. And, sure, the laws of both physics and society can be devastatingly imposing as can the inequities of socioeconomic status, education, family, and environment into which we are born. But I think we can employ solutions which allow us to live more harmoniously with our environment. The laws of physics allow us to play games. (Ridge was surfing on my belly earlier today while we watched Cosmos. I didn't feel like I was imposing any suffering upon him at that moment.) It seems like a matter of perspective. If I thought life was absolutely miserable, I probably wouldn't choose to have kids. (It probably would be difficult to find someone who would want to partner with me in that venture if that were my view.) I just don't see life as being all pain and suffering. I don't rule them out as possible outcomes, but I'm not interested in the fear of them driving me to sit out on life. Pain, suffering, joy, happiness. They're all temporary and I'm glad to experience them. I'm ok with imposing the possibility of these experiences on my kids. (Hopefully, they are too.)